30th July 2015

Healing House Network

This level of  training is intended for those who are already trained and released as Church-level teams ministering Thorough Format (15 hour) RTF to individuals and couples within and covered by their local church or ministry organisation.

Training Pre-requisites:

  1. Must be trained and released as an RTF IFM minister.
  2. Must have received Thorough Format (15 hours) Ministry for themselves.
  3. Must have completed training in Thorough Format Ministry and gained experience of ministry.

Training steps:

  1. Gain Experience.  The trainee team must minister Thorough Format Ministry to 12 individuals, which could also be up to 6 couples.  Teams are only released to perform ministry to individuals and couples from within their local Church or ministry organisation during this time.
  2. Mentoring.  During the above training step, trainee ministry teams will receive one or more ‘mentoring’ periods from experienced Healing House Network trainer teams.  This is intended to assist the trainee team gain confidence in the use of Thorough Format ministry.
  3. Qualification.  During this step, the trainee team must minister to two people (preferably a couple) under the observation of a qualified Healing House Network Trainer team.

This page is currently being re-written.  Please come back later to see the updated information.